The Well Coffeehouse x ChildFund Collaboration

The Well Coffeehouse x ChildFund Collaboration

Love Full Circle

Globally, there are over 700 million without safe water.

Additionally, 25 million smallholder coffee farms around the world employ 125 million people who depend on coffee for their income.

Millions. Those are such big numbers. It can easily feel like the need is ‘over there’ and hard to visualize.

It’s hard to understand the challenges of life without clean water when we have access to it at our fingertips. It’s hard to understand the challenges of a coffee farmer for those of us who may not have lived in agricultural communities. My dad grew up on a farm, but that challenging life isn’t one I experienced firsthand.

Yet, I know what it was like to be a child. To dream. To play. To learn. To explore. To have someone believe in me. To have a hope and a future. Yet, for those growing up in many of the communities and countries from which we source coffee, they often don’t have access to the same resources I had. Yet their dreams are just as real. So as we fight for those same communities to earn a fair, living wage for their coffee; and as we love in return through access to clean water in those same regions, we focus on the people central to the story. Today we focus on the children.

We want to put a face and a name on the communities we serve. With just one child. One name. One big impact.

ChildFund International is a global community development organization that is working in some of the same communities from which we source the world's greatest coffee. Through our new partnership with them, we are fighting for the most vulnerable – the children in these communities – to have access to the resources they need to change their story and the story of their families, neighbors, and friends. From access to clean water and beyond - education, health care, and nutrition, job creation – the impact for each child and their community is immeasurable.

If you are wondering, child sponsorship is a real thing. It’s not clip art or just a face. These are real children. And the impact is real too - to know you are known by someone across the globe, to receive letters of encouragement, to receive support that gives resources to impact the family and community – it's powerful. I’ve seen it with my eyes. I’ve hugged the families of the children I sponsor. I’ve heard the stories of resilience. 

Each location of The Well Coffeehouse has sponsored a child from a coffee-growing region – and we will be championing their story and their growth and impact across our stores.

So we invite you to join us in making a tangible impact in the lives of the children by sponsoring a child in these communities with us. As a gift from us, we would love to share an exclusive coffee from Bom Jesus in Brazil, along with a mug and a gift of 30 free cups of coffee. This is a small gift as a token of gratitude for the impact your generosity will make in the communities we have come to know and love.

Let’s go deeper together and let’s love full circle - one child, one community and one cup of coffee at a time. 

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